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Leírom szép sorjában hogyan halad a történet és milyen helyszínek kerülnek egymás után sorra. De ez majd a végigjátszás opcióban lesz tartalmasabb.
1. Kezdő rész
2. Cave
3. Wind Shrine
4. Tule Village
5. Torna Canal
6. Ship Graveyard
7. Kerwin Town
8. North Mountain
9. Walz
10. Walz Tower
11. Town of Karnak
12. Library of Ancients
13. Crescent Town
14.Jachol Cave
15.Jachol Village
16.The Sand Tides
17.Gorn Town
18.Rikks Village
19.Easterly Village
20.Tycoon Castle
21.Tycoon Meteor
22.Ruins of Ronka
23.The Meteors
24.The Island
25.X-Death's Castle
26.Big Bridge
27.Lugor Bordertown
28.Moogle Forest Cave
29.Moogle Village
30.Val Castle
31.Kelb Village
32.Valley of Dragons
33.Surgate Castle
34.Zeza's Fleet
35.Barrier Tower
36.Gill Shrine
37.Moore Village
38.Moore Forest
39.The Island
40.X-Death's Castle
41.Home world
43.Mirage Village
44.Island Shrine
45.Fork Tower
46.Easterly Falls
47.Great Sea Trench
49.Yellow Chocobo
50.Jachol Cave
51.Walz Tower
53.Phoenix Tower
54.North Mountain